UCLA Castable Abutments for Hi-Tec Implants

For efficient height and angle correction, UCLA castable abutments are frequently used in restorative dentistry. Castable abutments allow for a high level of customization that can be advantageous for some patients. Practitioners seeking the highest quality gold castable abutments and plastic castable abutments will find a selection of compatible components at Dental Implant Technologies.

See our refresher on the casting process, the advantages of plastic and gold abutments, and order supplies today from our trusted online store.

The Process and Advantages of UCLA Castable Abutments

Today’s standard castable abutments are developed based on research from the University of California at Los Angeles, which is where these abutments take their names from today.

UCLA implant abutments, whether plastic castable abutments or gold castable abutments are prefabricated components ready for customization. They can be used for cement-retained and screw-retained dental prosthesis procedures.

Unlike traditional abutments, UCLA implant abutments aren’t useful until they have been customized in a dental laboratory. There are two potential uses for UCLA castable abutments.

  • To make screw-retained crowns, a special technique is employed. Wax is added to the plastic casing of the abutment (often referred to as the “chimney”) to create the shape of the crown. The wax and the metal base of the UCLA implant abutment are then cast using a metal alloy to create the final prosthesis.
  • Alternatively, UCLA castable abutments can be used to create custom abutments cast in metal to be used for crowns retained by cement.

CAD/CAM abutments that are created digitally using specialized software and oral scanning have largely eliminated the need for UCLA castable abutments. However, there are still reasons to use castable style abutments in place of more modern alternatives.

UCLA abutments are available in both engaging and non-engaging styles. Non-engaging components are typically used for the creation of screw-retained bridges. Engaging components prevent rotation and are used for custom crowns and custom abutments.

Why Use UCLA Implant Abutments?

Whether considering gold abutments or plastic castable abutments, there are several benefits of using fully-customizable UCLA implant abutments.

  • UCLA implant abutments can be made stronger thanks to an internal connection with a metallic component (such as a gold-based abutment),
  • The color and opacity of a ceramic crown can be fully customized.
  • Castable gold and plastic abutments are versatile and can be used with any implant system, irrespective of the implant size.

While some might see UCLA implant abutments as outdated, the reality is that they still have a place in restorative dentistry. The sheer depth of customization makes them ideal for many clinicians and patients.

Gold Abutments and Other Materials

One of the biggest advantages of using castable abutments is the fact that the material can be selected to suit the application. Gold abutments can be cast using the UCLA method. Or, for screw-retained restorations, gold abutments and crowns can be used.

Other materials outside of gold abutments include titanium and chrome cobalt. Gold abutments are better suited for permanent prosthetics as they are highly biocompatible and durable. The alternative to a gold abutment is a plastic castable abutment.

Examples of Plastic Castable Abutments at Dental Implant Technologies

At Dental Implant Technologies we offer castable abutments for all of our most popular implant platforms. The easiest way to browse for plastic castable abutments or gold castable abutment is to select an implant category, implant size, and then view all available compatible prosthetic elements. Doing so will also offer machined solutions like standard straight and angulated (non-UCLA) abutments.

Our castable abutments can also be browsed using our advanced on-site search engine. You can view complete search results for UCLA abutments here.

Pricing ranges depending on whether you consider plastic or gold castable abutments, with gold being the more expensive (but more durable) option.

Examples of our plastic castable abutments include:

Examples of Gold Castable Abutments at Dental Implant Technologies

Gold castable abutments have an integral gold base that can offer improved stability and durability. We offer gold castable abutments for all of our most popular full-sized implant lines.

Examples of gold castable abutments for sale include:

When ordering gold castable abutments online, please ensure compatibility by reviewing the product page before adding to the cart. As with plastic abutments, the easiest way to find compatible gold castable abutments is to browse your intended implant system, select the implant diameter size, and then review the available attachments and abutments. Reviewing the available solutions for specific implants will help you to identify other potential restoration options including CAD/CAM abutments and standard preparable abutments.

Order UCLA Castable Abutments Online

There are many cases where a UCLA implant abutment is the best way to restore a patient’s smile and ensure good oral health for the years to come. Plastic castable abutments and gold castable abutments offer versatility that only CAD/CAM abutments can match, although the process to cast custom abutments and crowns are often more affordable than taking the digital route.

Dental Implant Technologies is your online distributor of the most reliable plastic and gold base UCLA castable abutments in the United States. We supply clinicians across the nation and offer rapid delivery turnarounds to ensure you meet your patient deadlines. Browse and order today and enjoy the smooth experience offered by the best implant dental supply company in America.